Our Founder

Prof G R Damodaran
The GRD Trust was founded in Coimbatore in the year 1979 by Prof G R Damodaran to promote institutions and programmes of education, research and extension service related to emerging scientific and professional areas. Prof G R Damodaran (1914-1986) was one of the great educational visionaries and institution builders of our country. Over a period of four decades, totally dedicated to the cause of education, Prof G R Damodaran made outstanding, unparalleled contributions to educational development. He developed the PSG Group of institutions into nationally renowned centres of excellence in Arts, Humanities, Engineering, Applied Sciences and Management. Dr G R Damodaran held, with distinction, numerous positions of leadership, at the regional and national levels which included the following:
- Chairman of the Southern Regional Committee of the All India Council for Technical Education (1971-77)
- Member of the All India Council for Technical Education and some of its boards
- Chairman of the Government of India’s High Power Committee on the Reorganization of Polytechnic Education (1969-71)
- Member of the Parliament and the Tamilnadu Legislative Council spanning over two decades
- Vice-Chancellor of the University of Madras.
- Chairman and member of a large number of high level Committees related to several aspects and sectors of Education